well anyhow, I've come to realize that this is, if not, the major obstacle that every SMP has to face. Observing trends, observing online demographics, testing the waters, anticipating problems... but the hardest of them all, is to be, the 'online' people's person.
Breaking away from one's comfort zone is the hardest thing to do. We find places, we make ourselves comfortable and we make it our home. Just like tribes, in a sense. There were nomadic tribes, no doubt. But what about those tribes that didn't move all around the place? Take for example, the tribes living in the Amazon Forest. Every year, they're forced to move from place to place because of mass deforestation. Notice that they're being forced? No one asked them to move in a polite manner.
It's almost the same thing for an SMP, breaking into new territory and getting people to join a new social media community. We can think of 101 tactics, but come on! We live in a 3G world where almost everyone knows the tactics that advertising, marketing and business use to get our attention.. that's the challenge and always have been. Like I've said in previous posts, its a matter of whether we as SMPs can get commitment out of our peers/the people that we meet.
2) I uploaded 2 new photos onto POOL..
1st photo:
This drew 2 comments:
"I like your quote on how you said "no tribe is an island" ...there's always some form of connection between tribes. Really cool work"
"hey julian, i really liked the way you compose this picture, and how the bottom of the photo is reddish and the top is blueish.. it shows the contrast very well. i agree with sam the quote is really meaningful too."
The quote refers to 'no tribe is an island'... i was hoping it would have become something of a catch phrase (after the success that my tribal masks photo brought) but meh, we can't have it all our way.
2nd photo:
no comments as of yet.. but the reason why I uploaded this photo was because of the passion that these 2 showed during a production shoot. I had a theme of 'all tribes start from something, somewhere..'
oh well, I'll see how things goes..
and that's all i can reflect as of now
till then!
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